Okay, Here's the rub...
I want to be careful not the say this so it sounds like I am complaining because really I am not. This is just my opinion and observation. So let me begin with this... I would like to know how many people are doing what God has designed them to do? How many people are living the life God created for them to live? How many people do you know are making the impossible possible with God's help? Now thinking about your answers...How many of those people are you supporting in any form?
I ask this because I had a dream last night about my family, my ministry and the body of Christ. Now this dream was not a bad dream but I do believe it was prophetic. I do not claim to be able to interrupt dreams so if you are reading this and you know what the meaning is PLEASE tell me. So here's the dream:
I was getting ready for a speaking engagement and my sister (Stephanie) was sitting on my bed holding my niece and talking with me about life in general. We chatted and I started to put on my make-up. the thing that really stuck out to me was the process that I put on my make up was different from my normal routine. In that I normally start with my conceal then I put on my foundation and then sometimes I put on that compressed translucent powder to keep the makeup from rubbing off onto clothes. After this I will put on eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, lip liner,blush and finally my lipstick. But in my dream I put on my foundation and then all other makeup finishing with concealer and translucent powder. My sister noticed that I kept saying something is wrong, this is not right but I could not correct it. My niece began to cry and we looked at her face and it seemed some insect had bitten her over the eye. My nephew then came in the room crying uncontrollably and I turned around quickly to see that some shadow figure was following him. I immediately thought it was a spirit and remembering myself pleading the blood of Jesus but then the shadow became a solid figure and I recognized that it was the Body of Christ. ( I know, and Yes, I am a part of that body). So this figure sits down and everything seems to change, becomes normal. As I continue to prepare, my sister says she hopes I do well and that the anointing flows as I speak life into the lives of those that will be present. She then hands me $100. The body of Christ then begins to murmur and complain about her giving me the money. My niece once again begins to cry, and my nephew becomes agitated. the body of Christ continues to complain and speak negative about what my sister did. As I finish up I ask the body of Christ where is the support suppose to come from if not from those that have a heart to give in whatever manner they feel led...The body of Christ says that it comes from those receiving the ministry. I try to understand their complaints but it seems to not make since as they talk and their words become like the teacher on Charlie Brown. So then my sister says, but Linda your ministry is to the devastated and hurting. Those without hope right? I said yes, she continues if these people are in a bad way they may or may not be able to support you the way they would like so there has to be others that God has prepared to support you until those receiving the blessing can. I feel so led. It's to say I believe that the God in you can change the lives of those you come in contact. The Body of Christ got even more angrier. So, as I got ready to leave, my other sister Jessica said Linda here is another $100 to give to someone that will be in need at the meeting. The Body of Christ tried to knock the money out of my hands. My sisters tried to push them back and said of all people you should be supporting her. She is one of you. She sings in your churches, preaches to your people and prays for each of you.. But when it comes for you to support her she is left desolate. When she needs prayer there is no one to pray for her so she must pray for herself, when she is discouraged she must encourage herself, when she is struggling, there is no one to help but to criticize and beat her down more...As, a family you should do what we are doing - support her not just financially but in every way, just as she supports you. As this conversation was going on, I left to go speak to the people and then I woke up.
My frustration comes from this, we as a people are so into what we are doing for god we forget that others have ministries that may need our support and we forget that without God we could not do what we are doing. I am irritated that we (I include myself) are so quick to say that someone is trying to scam us for our money, or that I will not support because someone else will. What happens when all feel that way? who then supports those out there living their purpose and doing what God called them to so. I am not talking about the scam artist but the True men and women of God. We as the Body of Chrsit have got yo take care of our won. So what is really going on. I understand being moved by the spirit but isn't it disobedience of the spirit of God tells you to do something and you do not do it because you think: they don't deserve it, don't need it, or someone else will do it.
Well I have vowed to be more proactive in my obedience. When God tell me to do something whether it's give money, pray, go to hear them speak/sing, or speak life into their lives I will do it. Especially when it is give money, buy them something to eat, or support them in any financial form. Full Time ministry is not a joke and I am a firm believe that God will supply the need but I also know that he will use me if I allow him to do so.
So, although I am not sure what the dream means, I feel it is something that God is trying to get our attention for. People of God, support one another and stop letting wounded soldiers on the battlefield die because we are too selfish to give a helping hand.
Your thoughts...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Okay Enough is Enough
On Facebook it seems like I get a lot of join this cause invitations. I am not complaining about the invites themselves but the causes all seems to be about horrendous things like child molestation and abuse. Now we know that the world is not a nice place sometimes. But really, do people have to mess with children. I mean what about the 8 day old baby girl that was raped by her 18 year old father. OH my, really what pleasure did this young man gain from that. Then there's the child that was raped, beaten and killed by her parents. (Yes the mother and the father). I am sickened by the thought that somewhere in this world a child is being abused. The gross thing is that no one is really doing anything to stop it. I guess I am not even sure what can be done.
Don't get me wrong, I am not asking that parents that discipline their children be harassed and made to fell that they can not train their child according to the standards they set. However enough is enough.
Don't get me wrong, I am not asking that parents that discipline their children be harassed and made to fell that they can not train their child according to the standards they set. However enough is enough.
linda hillman,
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