Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why Would You Do That?

Some people are dream killers. They get close enough that you will share your ultimate dream and then they pounce. They laugh, smirk or some other hateful thing that makes you feel like crap. You have taken the time to see beyond your circumstance, to see that there may be some sense to this mediocre existence. Now, you feel that your plight in life is less than noble. That sinking feeling you are experiencing is your dream dying.

Most people don't even know that their actions and words have damaged the very core of your existence. They just thought they were keeping it real. Let me ask you this, what is real about saying that I cant accomplish my dreams because it has never been done before. What is real about doubting what I believe gives me meaning. I know these people are trying to help but really sometimes I just want to say, "WHY did you do that?"

I am a dreamer, that means I dream of things in the night. I have visions and they are not small. THEY are HUGE. So, I get it that sometimes my dream and visions may scare you. They scare me sometimes. But I will not allow you to make me feel silly for dreaming. I will not allow you to make me lose sight of who I am. Somethings are just bigger than you and I and if you really think about it, the mere fact that you are here is a miracle. You had never been here before. No one thinks quite like you but no one comes to you and says, You can't exist because you are different. Strange thing is most people like you because you are different.

So, please let me be my unique self and dream a big dream. When i share it with you...Just let me share it. Don't say what you think or feel. Just let the dream live. If it is not meant to be I will get over it sooner or later. Just like I had to learn to crawl then walk...Let me live this out. Remember I only have one life and if you kill my dreams then you are killing who I am. I understand you want to protect me and make sure that I don't go through unnecessary trials and mistakes, but really isn't that a part of life.

Here's the thing, you let me be me and I will not hinder you from being you. then we both can accomplish the best life now. Sound like a plan? Just stop killing my dreams, or I will ask you, "WHY did you do that?"

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