Saturday, April 23, 2011

Just Because You Need To Know!!!

by Diana Bell on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 12:46pm


Our Higher Power has chosen us as his blessed vessels in this royal chess game called life. His love for us all is shown by him believing in us, to believe in him, and guide us through every step of the way. Not only did he die for our sins, but he died knowing that we would “fight the good fight”. People, we are made in His image.

We must show our God that his death was not in vain. The world wants us to believe that life is all about material things and uses the bittersweet weakness of mankind, “our women”, to illuminate media advertising, & poison our subconscious to believe that it’s OK to mentally and physically abuse them, believing its OK to lust for money, cars, clothes, jewelry & music, “when life is truly about LOVE”! See, the unconditional love we have for ourselves, should allow us to love another just the same, “Do to others as you would have others do to you”. Even though there are those who choose to do wrong, we have the free will to right!

We all are connected spiritually in mind, body & soul. Understand, we as a people shouldn’t put the next man/woman down, however, build each other up to having royal mentalities. Some of us who are more fortunate than others, should not be prideful or with greed & selfishness. If you see your brother/sister in need, try being a blessing to them & watch how the law of attraction works as a blessing in your life. Be joyful when sowing a good seed & watch your blessings manifest to another. This is the way of our Lord God!

We have the power to change someone’s whole day with a kind word. Speak great things in your neighbors life by complimenting there day with a good deed. Imagine a society where the negative energy is traded in for peace & the understanding that no one is perfected! “An eye for an eye will only make the world blind”. People, there is a WAR at hand & our very families, are blind to it, due to the fact that, we are so against each other. If we, as a people, are going to choose to be against anything, it should be all odds!!

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