Thursday, July 7, 2011

Does BIG NAME Preachers Equal Power and Manifestation

Now let me say this, this is not a blog to trample on the feet of men and Women I admire. NO this is to ask you a few questions.

A friend of mine is having a conference and we were talking about how slow her registration has been. Even her friends who said they would register to support and live in the same city has not done so. When she asked why, One response was: "Well I just found out "Big Name" Preacher is doing something that same weekend so I am going to that instead. I'm praying for your event though. Girl, I know God is going to do a great thing at your event." WOW for real, that is like a slap in the face. Lord Help your people.

It is my belief that she meant every word. But let's look at what this message is really saying. First, we as Christians have become just as star studded as the world. We hear Prophet, Evangelist, Bishop, Apostle or Pastor "big name" is going to be somewhere and we will almost sell our children into slavery to get there. While our Pastor, at the church we attend, cant get us to come to a prayer meeting. We will hop from state to state or city to city to see "Big Name" singer but our church musical struggles to have 100 people in attendance. Now I am not saying this because I have not done it but that will not stop me from speaking the truth and shaming the Devil. I will repent along with you.

Second, her statement shows that she does not uphold her word. She gave her word she would support and then she choose not too. My Bible tells me that all liars will have their part in the lake of fire. (Rev 21:8). harsh, maybe but truth. If we give our word that we are going to do something we should keep that word. If we look at how God views His own Word, that would give us an understanding on how we should handle our words. The Bible says:

I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness, for you have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your fame. (Psalms 138:2)
It seems to me that we need to watch what we say and only say what we truly mean. Now I am not saying a person cant change their mind, however, it struck me that this dear Sister was not going to tell her "friend" that she was not going to come if she had not called her.

I know the hard work behind setting up a conference and trying to follow God's direction for the conference and then you have to worry if any one will come to hear the word of the Lord...Now it's a shame that many times the life changing word that I have received did not come from the "Big Name" preacher,  I ran to see, but the "No Name" preacher in the little church on the left hand side of the street in the neighborhood no one wants to witness in. Not always but it is the case many times. I have been in a service where a "big name" was scheduled but for some reason they did not preach or was delayed at the airport, etc... and the replacement preacher, if you will, preached a Rhema word for me that changed my situation. On the other hand I have listened to a "BIG name" preacher and shouted but left in the same bondage I had come in.The reverse is also the same. But let me make my point, please!!

Which makes me think, are we putting too much in a name?

Lastly, If God has called someone to preach His word and he esteems His word according to Psalms 138:2 as he does...Why would we think that the Word that comes from the "No name" preacher is any less than the Word that comes from the "big name" preacher. Let me ask you something...When was the last time you heard a sermon that you can still talk about today. Not who preached the Word but what the Word actually was. I have heard many sermons from "BIG name" preachers and to save my life I can remember one point. Then there are some that I can remember and probably even re-preach if I had to. I kid  you not, I have more sermons that I remember from My Pastor,  Bishop Rufus K. Turner, than I can remember from Prophetess Bynum, Bishop Jakes, Pastor Jamal Bryant, just to name a few. These are anointed men and women of God, however, they are messengers just like I am a messenger of the Gospel.

Let me say this again, this is not to make you stop going to hear "BIG Name" preachers, but it is to bring your attention to your motives. Remember, this friend said "Girl, I know God is going to do a great thing at your event." My thought is this, what if the deliverance you need is at the small "no name" conference but you are at the "big name" conference with others who are just as star studded as you are. The Spirit moves and stirs you but doesn't change you... However, the other conference, the Spirit of the Lord is there changing lives, breaking bondage and putting the Devil on the run... there is power and manifestation, not emotional feel good stuff. Now this can happen at any conference (the emotional feel good stuff) but I think we need to check our motives. It might be that God wants us to go to the "BIG NAME" conference but did you even inquire of the Lord. I think when God has anointed a person to plan a conference and they are being led to have certain speakers, it because God has something special He wants to do in that assembly of folks... We must be mindful where the Lord wants us to go and what He's trying to do in our lives.

Go where the Lord leads you but do not forsake the "no name" conference because you are thinking "who is that? I have never heard of him/her" or "who else is going to be there?" Remember God can use anyone or anything to bless you. He is the one who knows what you need. Inquire of Him and if He tells you to go... GO... whether "BIG NAME" or "NO NAME!" You may just receive the Word you are looking for because you were obedient.

Now as I close, let me say this too. We preachers whether BIG NAME or NO NAME need to stop prostituting the Word of the Lord. Going to the highest paying church and putting on a show. If you have a Word to deliver, deliver the Word and let God deal with the other. I am one who believes that a preacher SHOULD be paid for bringing a life  changing Word. especially those in full-time ministry, however, stop this madness of I cant preach for less than $$$$.$$ amount of dollars. The Gospel was given freely to you so freely give and let God touch the hearts and minds of the people. I know many churches will not pay or pay very little but the word says my God shall supply all your needs according to HIS riches not the saints. Churches need to pay or allow you to take up a love offering but stop demanding credit numbers, large deposits and large sums of money for something that came to you freely. Now this is not to say that you cant have a set number...but remember this is the Gospel and not some cheap speech! Okay i have said it all.

Be blessed and encouraged
Pastor Linda Hillman

BTW - for those who are wondering, yes I am in full-time ministry and yes i have a set number that I charge to preach however, I also listen for the voice of the Lord and will make the adjustments he tell s me to make. No I don't consider myself a "BIG name" preacher but I do know if I show up to preach. There is a Life changing, bondage breaking, set the Devil on the run - WORD from the Lord. 


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Paying Your Vows!!!!

So today, I finally got an opportunity to sit and listen to a sermon my brother bought over to the house by Dr. Juanita Bynum. It is entitled "Paying A Vow". Now I am NO Juanita Bynum and I will not re-preach her sermon however, there were somethings that were said in this sermon that made the Baby in me jump. So listen up as I talk about what stood out to me.

So let me give you her sermon text... Well she just really said 1 Samuel never gave chapter and verse but she went on to talk about Hannah and how she wanted a son and prayed to God for a son. We all know the story so I will not take the time to recount it. But the story can be found in 1 Samuel 1.

My Situation:
Now I will talk about the things that stuck out to me and I took note of. My situation does not cause God to move in my behalf. I can pray about my situation all day long but until I am ready to make a vow to God... A real vow, it all just talking. Now we all know how Hannah's nemesis taunted her because she had no kids. Even though it bothered Hannah to tears and she prayed and fasted about that thang. God was not concerned about it. In other words what people say and do does not concern God. He does not have to prove himself to anyone. If he chooses to do's because that was how he intended it to be down from the beginning. Now listen to this it was not until Hannah made a vow to God that God took heed to her reply and the Man Of God spoke into her situation.

The Vow:
Now I am not saying you have to make a vow to god all the time. But most of the time when we make vows it is in the heat of the battle. When things are going very wrong. We are emotional, mentally, spiritually and financially spent. Our friends are few far and in between. We are left alone and we are desperate for change. Sound familiar. We say something to the effect of: God, If you get me out of this situation, I promise I will ____________. (You feel in the blank). the Question that then struck me is Linda what Vows have you made that you have not honored. The tears began to fall because I have made many vows. I hate to admit it but some I have forgotten and God has redeemed me from the situation and a few more since then. So then she made another point that slapped me in the face. We are so busy decreeing and declaring a thang...but God can not trust us to keep his word but we want God to honor everything He has promised us.  So now I ask you this...What if the promises that God has promised you is being held up because you have not paid your vow. yeah I know...Light build huh.

Now What:
Let's go back a bit let me talk about the Decree and Declare scripture. Here is it is the KJV: it says,
"Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows. Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways." Job 22:27-28
So basically, we have been decreeing things and declaring things but we have not paid our vows. So when what we decree and declare does not come to past we want to shake our finger at God and ask why? PAY YOUR VOW!! Cant you just hear him saying that in return. So Sister and Brothers... Now what.

Well if you are like me, you repent ask God to truly forgive you for lying to HIM. Ask him to bring back to your remembrance all the things you need to make payment on. He will. He has not forgotten.

Now another point that came and slapped me full in the face is this. Not all vows are honored and accepted. He only accepts those that bring him glory. So when you make a vow to god if he can use that thing you have vowed he then accepts your vow. With that said...When Eli told Hannah she would have a child Hannah was not pregnant yet. However she praised God because she knew that His word was faithful and she had a bargaining chip on the table. She would give God the child he gave to her. God had need of a prophet and she had need of a son. So see Her vow was something that would bring God glory in the end. It was not for that day but ten twenty years from that day. Samuel would be used to anoint King David and Jesus would come through the lineage of that King. So you see, We may be holding up our own blessing because we can not be trusted to keep our vows.

Pay Your Vows... I know I am asking God to help me do just that.I am sure there will be more to come but not until I finish the tithing series, I still owe one more lesson :)!

Be blessed and encouraged!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Just Because You Need To Know!!!

by Diana Bell on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 12:46pm


Our Higher Power has chosen us as his blessed vessels in this royal chess game called life. His love for us all is shown by him believing in us, to believe in him, and guide us through every step of the way. Not only did he die for our sins, but he died knowing that we would “fight the good fight”. People, we are made in His image.

We must show our God that his death was not in vain. The world wants us to believe that life is all about material things and uses the bittersweet weakness of mankind, “our women”, to illuminate media advertising, & poison our subconscious to believe that it’s OK to mentally and physically abuse them, believing its OK to lust for money, cars, clothes, jewelry & music, “when life is truly about LOVE”! See, the unconditional love we have for ourselves, should allow us to love another just the same, “Do to others as you would have others do to you”. Even though there are those who choose to do wrong, we have the free will to right!

We all are connected spiritually in mind, body & soul. Understand, we as a people shouldn’t put the next man/woman down, however, build each other up to having royal mentalities. Some of us who are more fortunate than others, should not be prideful or with greed & selfishness. If you see your brother/sister in need, try being a blessing to them & watch how the law of attraction works as a blessing in your life. Be joyful when sowing a good seed & watch your blessings manifest to another. This is the way of our Lord God!

We have the power to change someone’s whole day with a kind word. Speak great things in your neighbors life by complimenting there day with a good deed. Imagine a society where the negative energy is traded in for peace & the understanding that no one is perfected! “An eye for an eye will only make the world blind”. People, there is a WAR at hand & our very families, are blind to it, due to the fact that, we are so against each other. If we, as a people, are going to choose to be against anything, it should be all odds!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011 — Income for Life™

So I came across a link today on Facebook and then something wonderful happened. I was told about a wonderful opportunity and I thought not only of myself but the friends that I have trying to make a dollar out of 15 cents. So my question to you is Do you want to be helped? Do you want to your efforts to be multiplied while living out your vision and destiny. If you answer is YES!!! Well, if you know me I know that God has a plan for me and I am willing to go after it with all that I have in me. So here's the deal. Click on the link below check it out for yourself. If you believe like I do that this is an opportunity not worth passing up. Then make a move to make your tomorrow a better day!!! I tell you what, you will not be sorry you did.

Here's the link. Don't just smile and say that's nice...take some action. What's the harm is just taking a look... — Income for Life™

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Now I Can Breathe Again

Now that our church anniversary is over, I feel like I can breathe again. The church anniversary was a wonderful time of blessing and refreshing. Each year it seems to take more and more out of me. this year I was a bit depressed, one because being in full-time ministry I am not able to go shopping like I would like to do in these special times. Also, we always have a financial obligation to handle for the church. Now if I had the money it would not be a major source of stress for me but I don't ever have to money. However, this year, I thought it would be easier for me because i had streams of income that was suppose to come in in time for me to handle this gift to the church. However, at the last minute it all fell a part. the money I thought I would have never showed up.

So of course, I was stressed trying to trust God to do what I have heard he does for others in my situation. Now I had other obligations to do, my mother brought the robe I had to order and I stepped out on faith to order the cincture and put 20.00 on it. But when the day came to pick it up I did not have the rest of the money to pay for it, so I went to the store and asked the owner if I could borrow it for the event I needed it for and would return it. He moved by God just said I will trust you and when you get the money bring it to me. God showed me that he can work in mysterious ways but still I did not get the money to pay the anniversary gift. Now the anniversary has come and gone and I could be asked any day now if i paid it. I will have to tell the truth but I keep hoping that God will come through for me.

So this leads to what is on my heart...This may sound a bit backwards but it is where I am at and I told God that I can not fake before him and he already knows this. I know the scriptures... I know that God can supply my need according to his riches in glory and through Christ I can do all things. I know that He owns a cattle on a thousand hill and the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. I know all this but do i really believe it. every time I have to trust God for the impossible in my finances, I tend to have very little faith. I tend to think that I don't deserve God to do it for me because in actuality, he has done it but not like he has done it for others. For example a  friend of mine got blessed with 225.00, it just appeared in her purse. Another friend  got 100.00 given to her so she could get her robe, another friend got money to help her. I know God had my mother help me with my robe. But I guess my question is, I been asking god for months now for the money to give the anniversary gift. However, I am still in need.

then there is the balance on my cincture, I guess my question in all this is God will you do it for me like you have done it for so many others. What's the difference between my faith and their faith. I know you are not a respecter of persons; so what you do for one you are bound to do for the other. I know that I can rest on that. So as I said I can breathe again and rest in knowing that God is sovereign and he will do what he wants to do, how he wants to do it and when he wants to do it. Now I am trying to learn his timing is not my timing and the things we worry about don't make him nervous. BREATHE!

The Worry Cure: Seven Steps to Stop Worry from Stopping YouNick Vujicic DVD: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

You're Just Plain Rude

I am so tired of hearing people say, "I just keep it 100" or "I just keep it real" but what they are actually doing is just being plain rude. How do I know, because I have been and many times am guilty of it myself. We think if we just put that label on it that it means we can say what we want and how we want with no consequence but we put it off on the other person. We tell them to stop being so sensitive or even worse they just cant handle to truth. However, does not the Bible say do everything in love. So let me ask you something, if I love you and I cant find a way to tell you the truth in a manner that you can receive, do I really love you?

See, I would like to say people just cant handle the truth but the fact that is screaming in my head is the one that cant adapt is the one that cant handle the truth. Even Jesus did not treat every one the same way. I mean with the Pharisees, Sadducee and the scribes he was one way but the lady caught in adultery he was another way. Yes, Jesus said some raw things but notice his demeanor when saying these things. Look, I will always keep it 100 and be real, however, I don't have to leave dead bodies behind me. I don't have to wound everyone because I want to tell the truth and shame the devil.

There will come times when I will need to spit it out and it may be bitter to the one receiving but I need to do that when the Lord leads me to do such. I mean really, my mom would lay the law down and she spared not my feelings when it was needed to make me better and even though it hurt at the moment, looking back I know she did the right thing. There was even times when my Bishop has said something that made me say..."WHOA Nellie, that was harsh",  But in the end, it was needed and helped me get it right. I was not wounded fatally.

So now let me ask you something, that last email you sent reaming someone for not doing something or complaining about this or that...was it said in love? Was it sad in frustration, in the flesh, out of anger? Be real with yourself now, if you had of counted to ten before pushing send  or walked away from your computer for an hour or two would you have said the same thing in the same way? Okay maybe yours was done in person... so had you thought before opening your mouth to respond would you have said the same thing, had you ask for time to reflect would you have escalated the situation? It sounds trite and silly but just really think about it.

The Bible says that the tongue can set a forest on fire...Have you ever really thought about that. It's time we stop thinking we are the ones being misunderstood. In reality we are the ones causing the confusion. Think before you speak. That way you will keep it 100 and no one will accuse you of being fake and phony. Trust and believe. AND I ask that you keep me on the straight and narrow also.

(c) 2011 Evangelist Linda A. Hillman

What's on my heart

Tonight, (April 10, 2011) I am excited and overwhelmed by the love God has for me. I am empowered by the words I have received in the past month about wading through the storms and coming into my season. Even the rebuke and reproof I received just this past week about not trusting God enough to walk in full calling, was welcomed and received with a grateful heart. Man did I just say that I was happy to get a spanking from God. Whew, I have grown up somewhat I think. Not that it felt good but I knew God loved me enough to say, "Hey Linda, I am with you just trust me and step out. Stop looking for man to give you the approval to do my will. Trust me that I will make a way for you. Your gift has made room for you." So see, even though it was a stiff kick in the behind it was to let me know that I don't have to second guess what the Lord has told me in the quiet times, in my solitude of prayer.

I am truly grateful for the relationship that I have with God. I remember a time that it was hard for me to understand "WHY" God had selected me. I felt unworthy and useless. I had to come to the realization that I am worthy through His blood and the deeds that He did on Calvary it has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with Him. So now here's the my real reason for writing tonight.

I recently heard Prophet Brian Carn say that when a real prophet comes into your life and brings a word, it does not mean everything is going to get better but you can expect all matters of testing to occur. I am no stranger to trials, tests and tribulation. My concern is I have been fighting and that has not stopped. So now on the brink of my victory, I have to gird up for more fighting. Anyone that knows me, knows that I am a fighter by nature and I will not let go or stop until one of us (my spiritual enemy) is dead. I can say with all the strength left in me, that I don't intend to be the one dying in this battle. So I am fighting literally for my life. I am fighting for my sanity, I am fighting for every promises God has ever made me.

What does this have to do with you. Well, I am glad you asked that. I need prayer warriors to pray and fast for me. I need those that support me to bombard heaven in my stead. SURE...I will pray and fast and seek God too, but I need your help. The ministry God has birthed in me, needs to break-forth like never before. There are souls weighing in the balance waiting for W.H.O.L.E. Ministries and Living Above Hurt Ministries. Waiting to hear my testimony and see how God has redeemed me.

I knew when starting this journey in 2007, that it would not be easy, that this road would be long and at times lonely, nonetheless, I would have to walk. I am willing to stay my course, however, I need you to support me in prayer. I need you to support me in deeds. I need you to support me by getting in the foxhole with me and fighting along side me. I know that God has picked some to journey with me in this season....I need you to heed to the master's call and take your place.

Love you all with the Love of Christ.

In His Service,
Evangelist Linda Hillman

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"A Good Thing" Women's Bible Study - The Extraodinary Women Bible Study - Starting April 7, 2011

A sisterhood that will only grow stronger.

Ladies of the greater Stockton, CA area.... It's time that we understand God's plan for our lives. Whether you are a single woman, married, have kids or have no kids, professional or homemaker, raised in church or never been to a church. If you have issues, we have answers...if you are looking for true meaning in life...we have answers. Searching for purpose, want to change your relationship, get a raised or promotion, get a mate, learn more about WHO you are and WHY you are here on earth. Whatever, your story may be, This bible study will help you overcome fear, worry and doubt. No more low-self esteem, no more waiting for the right time. It's time for you to move now.

"A Good Thing" women's Bible Study will meet for the first session on March 31, 2011. On April 7, 2011 we will start "The Extraordinary Women" Bible Study. Don't worry you don't have to attend any church in particular to be a part of this study. If you are a women wanting to become what you are created and destined to become and have a sense of belonging to a sisterhood of women that care about you excelling. This is the bible study for you. Come learn and grow in every area of your life.

Mother, daughter, sister, minister, pastor, prophetess, church member, and etc.. Consider this your time of refreshing. If you are from a different state or would like to participate in the bible study through tele-conference or webcam, let me know. We can set this up for you.

The name of this Bible Study group came from Proverbs 18:22, which states:
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
What came to me is that we all want to be found, but are we the good thing when we are found. Better yet, those that have been found, are you a good thing. Well, Sisters, let me say this if you are not feeling good about WHO you are in Christ, then you are not allowing your spouse or potential spouse to experience the true favor that is his because he has you. WOW!! Just think about it.  I love that the scripture does not just say He but whoso. What this means to me. That anyone that happens to come in contact with me...even as i wait for my mate. Any one that comes in contact with me can find favor because I am operating in my role as wife. meaning that as a single woman, I know that I am someone's future wife. So i act accordingly. As a married woman, I do not bring shame to the man that has chosen me. I operate as a Proverbs 31 woman at all times.

I think we miss this sometimes because we are ashamed of what we had to survive, or the failures we have experienced. BUT now is the time to shine. So Arise Women, take your rightful place in Christ. Let the truth wash over you and start afresh! You are a good thing. More of this study will be taught on March 31, 2011. Don't miss out.

A GOOD THING Bible Study - Thursdays @ 1PM
Place: Evangelist Linda Hillman's Home
For more information contact Evangelist Linda Hillman at 209-565-4055 or email or contact me on FB. You will set your future in motion and trust me, God's got great plans for you!

Be blessed and encouraged!
Evangelist Linda Hillman

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rise Up

In this time of recession, foreclosures, job terminations, and etc. People are hurting and they are looking for some hope. they need to hear someone say, it's going to be okay. Yes, some say the recession is just in the minds of those that buy into it. Some say that they were never affected by the recession. In my time of reflection, I have had many things occur to me and affect me over the past 3, going on four, years. So I went to God in prayer. I asked him to show me where to find the strength I need to do all that he has placed in me.

The first thing He showed me was my position. This is very important because without knowing exactly where I am in life I can miss out on some great things. So he had to show me that I am still in his hands. He sees and knows me. I am in the Will of God doing what I am suppose to be doing. In the good times, bad times, and the indifferent times, I must move forward. Then He backed it up with scripture.
Acts 3:1-8
One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. ” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God.
Now you may say how did this back up what you said the Lord showed you? Well, I am glad you asked me that. Listen to this. Peter and John were on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer. They had sat at the feet of Jesus literally and nod now they were going to sit at His feet metaphorically. At the feet of Jesus you can find strength for your weary soul, forgiveness for your sin stained soul, and healing from hurts, habits and hangups. Most importantly, you can find direction. So Peter and John were in the right place. They were coming to meet their Master. They were coming to hear a word from the Lord. That was me too. I needed strength, healing and forgiveness. I needed to hear from God.

Also, the lame man was in the right place at the right time. He had friends that brought him daily to the gate of the temple to beg for alms. To ask for help of those entering and exiting the temple. Where can we go but to the House of Faith to get what we need. We must open our mouths to ask. we cant keep hiding behind the facade of I doing okay. Stop settling for the mediocre and get exactly what god intended you to have.

The next thing God showed me was that money does answer all things but the TRUE answer is only found in Him. When Peter said Silver and Gold have I not but such as I have I give to you. He was saying that your need does not require a temporary fix. It needs to be fixed completely. Telling the man to look upon us, he was telling the man to look up and see the real source that would supply the need. Not man, mot money, not a new job but God. Don't see me as your daughter, sister, mother, brother or friend but see the God in me. Isn't Paul said it's not I but the Christ that lives inside of me. I look to people to answer my need but I need to look to God.

He was in the right place to receive the best solution for his need. He weakness exposed, the real strength could be unleashed. the power that lay in Peter and John. the power that lays in each of us. Don't be afraid to fix your eyes on a problem and speak hope to that issue.

I love that Peter and John were on their way to prayer meaning that may have need god to do something for them but they still took the time to speak life. to open their mouth. to be used of God. So what do you have to give?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tithing: A Lesson To Be Learned Part 2

When we left off in this series of lessons, we talked about what a tithe is as compared with offerings and alms. Now I wanted to take you back to the beginning. Let's talk about history of the tithe and then look at the first mentioning of Tithe in the bible. tithe did not start with the Law being given to Moses. Which leads me to believe that it would not stop with the law but it would transcend.

History of  the Tithe

The predominant concept of tithing today involves the giving of money to one's local church. It is often mistaken to be the same as the Old Testament Jewish practice of giving first fruits. Briefly expounding upon first fruits will offer some help in clarifying exactly what the difference between tithing and first fruit. While it is not within the scope of this work to comment on every Scripture pertaining to either first fruits or tithing, it is important to note that an examination of God's Word reveals that first fruits and tithes were not the same thing.

First fruits were primarily agricultural (with a noted exception below) and included produce "in the raw state (grain and fruit); those prepared for use as food (wine, oil, flour, and dough), including wool" (Ex. 22:29; 23:19; 34:26; Deut. 18:4). Offerings of first fruits were to be the choicest portions (Num. 18:12) and the amount of the offering was apparently left to the discretion of the giver. According to Nelson's Quick Reference Bible Dictionary: The law ordered in general that the first of all ripe fruits should be offered in God's house. It was an act of allegiance to God as the giver of all. No exact quantity was commanded, but it was left to the spiritual and moral sense of each individual.

First fruit offerings were the "perquisite of the priests" (Num. 18:11; Deut. 18:4). In other words, the Temple priests received part of their wages in the form of edible provisions or commodities, e.g., wool; first fruit offerings were one means of this support. Tithing, on the other hand, while eventually serving some of the same purposes as first fruits, e.g., the support and provision for priests, was different from the giving of first fruits. The portion of an individual's first fruits was at the discretion of the giver--the amount could vary--while the amount of a tithe could not.

The Antiquity of Tithing Many Christians are unaware that tithing was not first practiced by the ancient Jews. It was an ancient practice to be sure, but it was exercised in many cultures. Even prior to the earliest biblical record of tithing (Gen. 14:18-20), it was a custom practiced by several people groups as noted by Christopher Hill in his Economics of the Early Church:
    The system of appropriating 10 per cent. [sic] of the produce of the community to the maintenance of a priest is of great antiquity. It existed not only among the Jews, but also in many pagan tribes. 
And, according to Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible:
    the institution of offering tithes of the fruits of the field and of the flocks is one which dates back to a period greatly anterior to Israelite history. A tenth of the flocks, fruits, and possessions of all kinds, as well as of the spoils of war, was given to their gods [referring to pagan tithing] by many peoples. The widespread practice in the ancient world of tithing by giving a portion of one's profit or spoils of war extended from Greece to China. Donation of a tenth portion was common apparently because most people "counted in tens, based on ten fingers." 
The word "tithe," it should be noted, actually means "tenth." The word's history is tied to "the old ordinal numeral in English." Phonetic changes in the prehistory of the English language are responsible for the word looking very different from the word ten.

The Concise Evangelical Dictionary of Theology says that tithing is the "practice of giving one-tenth of one's property or produce to support religious institutions." This is quite an interesting definition since it allows two ways to understand the word "produce."

Further Definition

In Elwell's definition above, the word "produce" could easily be understood to mean fruits and vegetables or that which has been produced for the expressed purpose of exchange, e.g., wages or money. The definition allows both an ancient and modern understanding of tithing. It is appropriate to say that whatever your increase, profit, income is this is what you should give a tenth of to God. As stated in my last lesson, if one receives clothes, shoes, food, or money, then that person should give in kind. Plainly stated, if you are given ten suits, one should be given to God. likewise if you make 100.00 then 10.00 should be given to God.

Tithing, Before the Law

Now let's move on to Abraham,
Genesis 14:18-20
Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And praise be to God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.” Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
Abraham had just defeated Chedorlaomer (Kedorlaomer) king of Elam and three kings, with only his 318 trained servants and his allies Aner, Eshcol and Mamre. The purpose of the attack had been to rescue Lot who had been taken captive by Chedorlaomer. God had given Abraham the victory so it was
appropriate to express gratitude. From the spoils of victory Abraham gave a tenth of all to Melchizedek.

Then we have Jacob:
Genesis 28:20-22
Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father’s household, then the LORD will be my God and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.
This promise was made at Bethel following a vision Jacob had experienced while sleeping. Jacob's promise to tithe was conditional upon the message of the vision being personally applicable; ie keeping him in his travels,
giving him bread to eat and clothes to wear until he returned to his fathers house. Later in Genesis just prior to Jacob returning to his home land we read of him,
Genesis 30:43
In this way the man grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks, and female and male servants, and camels and donkeys.
Thus God had prospered Jacob and gave him more than he could otherwise have earned. the same is true if we make the vow to God that we will give a tithe to him, he will make sure that you have all that you need to render the tithe but to be completely taken care of. this is what Malachi meant about a blessing you will not have room enough to receive. the old adage you cannot out give God is true when it come to the principle of tithing. Yes, tithing is a principle, a principle (doctrine, fact, law) that has been around long before the Law of Moses.

Should a Christian Tithe?

Well, let's put it this way, we will talk more about the New Testament in our last lesson of the series. However, based on all my research and studying the Bible for myself I believe God has given me a clear understanding of a principle he established for his church.

A Christian that is actively seeking to please God, should not just tithe but they should give more. Israel under the weak and beggarly Old Testament gave more than 10% in tithes and offerings, so we under the blessings of the New Testament should give more than they, and the Spirit-filled examples agree (Gal 4:9; Heb 7:19,22; 8:6; Acts 2:44-47; 4:32-37). Remember, the Lord requires based on what He has given you (Luke 12:48).

Tithing, originated long before the Law, but the Law systematized its practice (Gen 9:6). The New Testament  does not mention tithing by name, except for Jesus correcting the Jews (Matt 23:23; Luke 11:42) and Paul’s historical description of Abraham giving Melchizedek a tithe (Heb 7:1-4). But there are many useful and Godly principles of the Old Testament that are not repeated specifically in the New Testament.
However, the new Testament does require giving by doctrine and precept for the very same things as the Old Testament – the ministry and the poor (Acts 20:35; I Cor 9:1-18; 16:1-3; II Cor 8:1-24; 9:1-15; Gal 6:6; I Tim 5:3,17; 6:17-19; I John 3:17-18).  The New Testament saints gave with cheerful liberality and obvious personal sacrifice both in public and private, for their position or assets in this world meant little to them (Acts 2:44-47; 4:32-37; 6:1; Phil 4:10-18; Philemon 1:4-7; Heb 10:34; III John 1:5-8). They give to ministers who labor full time in the ministry and to poor saints, including widows indeed, in their own church and in other churches (Acts 6:1; 11:28-30; Rom 15:25-27; I Cor 9:7-14; 16:1-3; Gal 2:10; 6:6; I Tim 5:17-18; II Tim 2:4).

Many will say that since tithing is not specifically named in the new Testament that we should not tithes, however, the New Testament does not mention corporal punishment, but the same ones who say don't tithe will use the O.T. principle to train your children (Pr 13:24; 19:18; 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15). It does not mention saving money, but you do so from Solomon (Pr 6:8; 30:25). It does not mention many Godly rules or principles, which may be assumed from the O.T. The tithe was not abolished, as was the Sabbath. The Sabbath was not pre-Moses, was for Israel only, and was clearly abolished according to Paul. Tithing was pre-Moses and not rejected by Paul, thus remaining as a guide. That is right, Paul did appeal to the Law of Moses for principles of financial giving, which shows the remaining validity of the principles pertaining to giving (I Cor 9:8-9; II Cor 9:9; I Tim 5:18).

Some may ask, what if it becomes a mere ritual? Worship becoming a dead ritual depends on your heart, for systematic giving can be done cheerfully, as Moses required of the Jews, and Paul required of the Gentiles (I Cor 16:1-3). Does attending assemblies every Lord’s Day or daily reading of the Bible become a dead ritual merely by its discipline or habit? No!

Some may ask, What if I am in debt and cannot afford to give? I say this, Because you are in financial trouble, you cannot afford NOT to give! Joseph and Mary, though poor, brought two turtledoves for our Lord’s dedication (Luke 2:22-24; Lev 12:8). Jesus took note of a widow giving two mites over rich men giving much (Lev 12:1-4). Moses required a soul offering of every citizen without regard for ability to give (Ex 30:5). The Philippians gave generously, though they were comparatively poor (II Cor 8:1-5).

Some may ask, What about the Tele-Evangelist and others that want me to give to their ministries? Some should be rejected as false prophets, for they are not sent by God, do not preach God’s words, steal widows’ houses through fake prayers, promise lies about getting rich, and sell trinkets without shame (Matt 23:14). But their heresies, lies, and scams do not negate the need to generously support God’s ministers (I Tim 5:17-18). 

My personal thoughts are to pray about giving to other ministries. You cannot go wrong if God is prompting you to give. God is aware of his true ministers, and He will guide you in the way you should go. Trust the Spirit of God in you when it comes to supporting other ministries. DO NOT give to others if you are not faithfully giving to your local church (pastor). You should give because you are receiving spiritual food and substance to live your life according to God's will. I am sure if you are going to a local church every week, that man or woman of God is feeding you spiritual food, I mean really, would you go to a church where you were not getting what you needed to survive spiritually? NO! However, there are other places where you can get fed also, so again give as the Lord directs.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love and Respect: Where Has It Gone?

Okay, many of you may be aware that I posted on facebook last night that I was conducting my first wedding ceremony. Well I have some thoughts and I would like to share them with you.

Now I am not one that likes to use my title to get me any kind of favors however, I do think that just as you respect someone in the secular world with a title of CEO or VP or President, Manager etc. you should respect the titles that God has chosen to give to those he selected to be in the fivefold ministry. Better than that any one that God has given his extended authority to.

So with that said, I was honored and thrilled that my friend from my childhood thought to ask me to marry her to her fiancé. YES, I was honored. We did six months of marriage counseling (pre-marriage). I was even given the opportunity to pray with them as they both accepted Christ into their lives. What a joy.

Yesterday, when I arrived at the small church where they were being married in front of about 50 guests. I was greeted by a young woman, who told me she was my personal assistant for the day. Anything and everything I needed she would make it happen. As she handed me some cold water to drink without me asking for it, now this young woman had to be about 17 or 18 years old. She was so respectful and very attentive to me. She escorted me to the office where I was to wait until the ceremony started. She asked me if there was anything I needed. She gave me a run don of the events on that day. She announced every guest that came to see me. I think you understand she made me feel very comfortable.

The next thing that was the makeup artist, she asked me if she could touch up my makeup. She said it would be an honor to serve you. She did a lovely job on my makeup too. She made me look wonderful.

Then at the reception, many of the guest there I had went to Junior high or high School with and they knew me when i was all bad nothing good came near or was in me. I was a member of the church but I was not trying to be a Christian by any means. I was in gangs, carried a knife and gun and fought just because I could. Get the picture, if anyone should have been leery of my new life it would be these people. They accepted me for who I was. They (most of which are not in church) would not curse in my presence, the Bride and groom did not serve liquor because they knew I was going to be there and did not want anyone to be drunk in my presence. I mean these people showed me love and respect.

Not because I was Linda but because I represented God. MAN that is so awesome to me. They respected the title that God gave me more than others that should understand the title and the authority God has given to those that wear the title. I must admit their respect for God caused me to want to be a better representative of God.

So I was thinking, if Christians would stop trying to point fingers and judge those God has appointed with assignments to preach, teach, prophesy, build, rebuke, equip and etc. the body of Christ and start showing the Love and respect that is due to the title God has given. Would the men and women that carry the title want to do better? I think so.

I mean titles are nothing; we are people just like you, however, even though your CEO is a person just like you still respect him. You still whether you like him or not give him the respect of the title. You may not agree with what he says or does, you may even know that he was a weasel before getting the title however, when it comes to his position you allow him to serve according to his title but we in the church have lost that respect.

Yesterday, I was reminded that there are still those that respect God enough that they are willing to extend that respect to the representatives of God. It took what we call sinners, to remind me of how we should treat one another and expect to be treated in return. Yes, I am just like you but I have a calling on my life that shows that God has trusted me with a portion of his authority. So I will never throw around my title, however, I will always respect those that God has chosen to give a title to.

Just my thoughts.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tithing - A Lesson To Be Learned Part 1

A question came to me in email and what you read is the answer I gave.

The question was simply, "Pastor Linda, I am confused, I heard on a your show on Blog Talk Radio that I should tithe. You mentioned that is not just an Old Testament covenant but Jesus affirmed it in the New Testament. I would really like a Bible study on this so I can search out the truth according to God's Word. Please help me."

My answer:

So many have the same question and I would like to take my time and really help you explore this. In the end I pray that you are ready to accept the truth as God reveals it to your heart. It seems so few people these days give tithes, offerings, and alms, yet they profess to be walking with God. This applies to people all over the world. By their actions, they deny Him. The Bible clearly states in John 14:14-16:

"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— "

If you love Me keep my commands. So let's pray that god will open your heart and mind to hear the words of the Lord. It is God that will reveal the truth through the Holy Ghost that rest in you. Then we will be able to keep His commands and thus be pleasing to Him. Let's pray:
Father, in Jesus name, I thank You that You are instructing me in the way I should go and that You are guiding me with your eye. I thank you for your guidance and leading concerning Your will, Your plan and Your purpose for my life. I do hear the Voice of the Good Shepherd, for I know You and follow You. You lead me in the paths of righteousness for your name sake.

Thank you father, that Jesus was made unto me wisdom. Confusion is not a part of my life. I am not confused about your will for my life. I trust in you and  lean not to my own understanding. as I acknowledge you in all my ways, You are directing my paths and enlightening my understanding. I believe that as I trust in You completely, You will show me the path of life. Amen. Taken from "Prayers That Avail Much" 25th Anniversary Commemorative Edition
 Lesson 1 - What is a Tithe?


Every person is to give 10% of their total income to God. This is called a tithe. Tithing is a command from God. In addition, as the Lord provides, a person should give extra (an offering) and also should give to the poor (alms). Giving an excuse, such as, "I don’t have enough," is not acceptable to God. There is no one that is exempt, even a housewife or a person in prison receiving an income or other items is to tithe on them.
Every Pastor, Preacher, Minister, Missionary, Church Member and every ministry ought to tithe. Ministries should consider tithing to other ministries as God directs. Would it cause offense to suggest that you give an offering, when asking a ministry for a cassette or book? Those that can ought not only to give an offering but give generously according to their ability. In Proverbs it says,

"Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.

Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and to morrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee." Proverbs 3:27-28

Do you want the truth, or do you wish to continue living in deceit? God forbid, all too often, those that profess Christ are yielding to the lusts of the flesh, covetousness, and evil desires. They are struggling to make ends meet and wondering why there is not enough money to last the month. No where in the Word of God do I see that Christians are be concerned about money or not have their needs met. What I do see is promises that God will supply your need. So let's back up a bit and talk about tithing, as it pertains to you and I, in today's society.
The subject of giving tithes and offerings is covered in Mal 3:6 - 12

"For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts."

There is a lot of misleading preaching on prosperity in the church today. Some may say, "Just send me $100.00, and a financial blessing will be poured out on you." Note, Malachi said, ye are cursed with a curse, if you are not giving tithes and offerings. So we are to give tithes and offerings. Why? because we are commanded to. We are also to give alms. Many are sick, hurting financially, or have multitudes of problems. One area to examine is whether or not you are obeying God in the area of tithes and offerings.

What Is A Tithe, Specifically?

Now what is meant by a tithe? A tithe is ten percent of your income or increase. For instance, if you are paid $100.00 a week then your tithe would be $10.00 per week. Do you have a garden? Tithe ten percent of the increase of your garden. Do you rent houses to others? Tithe ten percent of your profit. Let me be clear, if you own an apartment/house and rent it out. This does not mean you begin spending lots of money to fix it up, saying, "I’ll give what is leftover to the Lord." Perhaps, you try to justify spending large amounts of money on your taxes—as tax write-offs. You are not to do that with God. You are not to play games with God's money. Ten percent of your total income, before bills, before food, before shopping belongs to God. Ten percent of your net income is God’s. If you rob God, you can expect to have a curse on you.

The tithe is the first ten percent. If you receive something, you tithe or give the best. You do not give the worst to God or what is leftover, but the best. For example, if you catch ten fish, you tithe the best one to God. If you are given ten apples, you give God the best one. This is considered a tithe. You can tithe money, items, food and etc. The only thing that can not be tithe is time or if you are taking a loan. Time can not be extended we all have 24 hours and loan must be paid back. You cannot have an increase in time nor is a loan considered an increase.

It's A Holy Thing

We read in Lev 27:30-33

"And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD's: it is holy unto the LORD. And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof. And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD. He shall not search whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it: and if he change it at all, then both it and the change thereof shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed."

Now here's the thing, the tithe is holy unto the Lord. It is to be set apart for him only. But when we read verse 33 we find that anything we give to the Lord is Holy unto to him. So that makes the offering a holy thing also. This is why it is important that we not rob God.

Here's an additional note for you, if you pay unless than a tenth of your increase, then you need to know that god is looking for the tithe plus the amount you choose to substitute for it. An Example: you are paid 100.00 and you only pay five percent as a tithe. God is expecting you to give him the ten percent in addition to the five percent paid. He is now concerning it all a tithe. All of it become holy to the Lord.

Also, in verse 31 it speaks of redeeming or borrowing the tithe, as we would put it today. Then you must pay an additional fifth part of the tithe. This means that you would pay ten percent plus an additional twenty percent of the tithe. For an example: You are paid 100.00 and you decided to use the tithe and pay it the next time you are paid. Then you would pay ten percent of the 100.00 (10.00) and additional twenty percent of the 10.00 (2.00). in addition to the tithe you owe for your current increase.

Let me ask you a hard question: Do you think you are going to heaven, If you do not tithe? Is a robber going to enter heaven? Unless he repents, no, he will not. Well, which is worse? To rob a bank or to rob God? Sin cannot enter God presence and in heaven we will be in God's presence. Sin is disobedience and blatant rebellion. In Matthew 7 we are told there will be those that say Lord I did great things in your name and he will say depart from me ye worker of iniquity (sin), I never knew you. A person who says, "I’ve been a Christian for 5 years," but does not tithe, can expect a surprise at the judgment, as their actions indicate they have not truly repented and have no real relationship with Christ. They have not obeyed God’s Word.

Even Jesus Commended Tithers

many preachers today teach that tithing went away with the Law and that in the New Testament it is not mentioned. Instead they teach: God wants you to give whatever He lays on your heart. If that is all that you have, so be it. God loves a cheerful giver. Let's read Matt 23:23-24:

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth (tithe) of your spices—mint, dill and cumin (whatever is the increase). But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former (tithing). You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel." 

What was the former? The tithe. Without neglecting tithing. There it is. You see, the problem was they were giving the tenth, but they were not walking in faith; they were not practicing justice. Jesus tells us to do both. In the New Living Translation it says:

“What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens,[g] but you ignore the more important aspects of the law—justice, mercy, and faith. YOU SHOULD TITHE,YES, but do not neglect the more important things. Blind guides! You strain your water so you won’t accidentally swallow a gnat, but you swallow a camel!"

even Jesus was aware that tithing is important. However, it is more important to live a holy life that is acceptable to God and not take advantage of others or deal with them harshly. Jesus still said tithing is a part of the christian life even after the Law. For we know that Jesus came not to do away with the Law but that the Law through him would be fulfilled. Even though, we live by grace and mercy...meaning we can not do anything to change how much God loves us, we can do something about how pleased he is with us. again I am reminded, If you love me keep my commands.

What Is An Offering And Alms?

So robbing God is not just in the tithe but also in the offering. It states in Malachi 3: 8-9, that we are robbing God and because of it we are cursed with a curse. We are to give ten percent and that goes to the church you attend. You ought to always give a little more, because the Bible also says offerings. Let’s explain in more detail what is meant, and then cover the Scriptures. You have offerings (which are over your ten percent). Your tithe and offering goes to your church, you may also send additional offerings to any born-again ministry that God directs you. However, the Lord does not lead you contrary to Scripture.

Alms are given to the poor. My personal opinion is give to those in need in the household of faith first, and then you can give to those in and around your community as a witness of Christ's love and mercy.

Next lesson: we will go back to the first mention of the tithe and explore why tithing is still a command for us today.

Evangelist Linda Hillman

Activate Grace

Many Chrstians when asked about Grace will quote that grace is unmerited favor. They would be right. However, God's grace is more than just unmerited favor. Let's begin here:

"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." 2 Cor 12:9 (NIV)
This is a very common scripture we use ( or Ishould say I use) when things seems to be beyond my power. when things seem to be going wrong or i cant get over something. You know the trials that come to make us strong. But what if my brothers and sisters God wanted more for us. What if there is more to this grace that we have not uncovered. Well about 2% of the christian world have. They understand that grace is God's power for us to live above what we could ever hope, dream or imagine. Let's go to another scripture to help you see what I mean.

"Because of all that the Son is, we have been given one blessing after another." John 1:16 (CEV)
Now this says because we are connected to the Son, we get unmerited favor. This unmerited favor is blessing one after another. Now that sounds good but how does that help me to live and make it through this world. A world where trouble comes without warning and it's shows no prejudice? I need more than unmerited favor... I mean dont get me wrong the blessings are wonderful and come just in the nick of time. But as John Bever states we are to live extraordinary lives. Not just blessed lives. So, we need more than unmerited favor from God, We need power to live right, and power to do right, power to believe the unimaginable. we need to be empowered by God to live our purpose and destiny. So now let's go to second base.

All through the book of acts we read that the disciples did miracles, signs and wonders...even though they were being presecuted. Dont take my word for it read Acts 5:13, Acts 10:26, Acts 14:11-15, Acts 17:6, and Acts 28:6. These were men and women just like us but they lived full of power just like Acts 1:8 said. We can live in that power too. For God is no respector of persons, if He did it for Peter, James, John, Paul and Mary...He will do it for you and me too.

Read 2 Cor 12:9 again, it says:

"But he replied, "My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak." So if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am." (CEV)
So instead of thinking about this grace as unmerited favor, which it is, but it is more than that too. It's Charis (grace) It is the divine influence upon the heart and it's reflection in our lives. It's a gift, favor, a benefit and grcious liberality. Grace is God's empowerment to us.

So what great thing are you trying to accomplish but are having great difficulties. It states when we are weak, God's grace, HIS power is sufficient for us. It is strong. It is able to give us what we need to live as we ought to. Read this:

"Who were chosen and foreknown by God the Father and consecrated (sanctified, made holy) by the Spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and to be sprinkled with [His] blood: May grace (spiritual blessing) and peace be given you in increasing abundance [that spiritual peace to be [a]realized in and through Christ, [b]freedom from fears, agitating passions, and moral conflicts]. Praised (honored, blessed) be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)! By His boundless mercy we have been born again to an ever-living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, [Born anew] into an inheritance which is beyond the reach of change and decay [imperishable], unsullied and unfading, reserved in heaven for you, Who are being guarded (garrisoned) by God's power through [your] faith [till you fully inherit that [c]final] salvation that is ready to be revealed [for you] in the last time." 2 Peter 1:2-5 (AMP)
I dont know about you but that scripture makes me what to shout, "Devil, you messed up now! you are messing with the wrong one." See as long as he can make us think we are to live this life by our own power we dont call upon the power that was given to us by Jesus. We continue to live beneath our means and experience a vapor of what god really has in store for us. I thnk God for equipping us with Grace. unmerited favor YES! but he has given us power to do all the things he has called us to do. He gave it to us when we said yes to Him. He did not leave us to fight the good fight on our own. Maybe we know this but are we living by it. Use the grace that God has given you not just for the blessings but for the abundant power to live the life you were meant to live. I end with this scripture:

"And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathered in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels!" Ephesians 3:8-10 (MSG)
So what are you giving the angels to talk about?